--> The Sarkari Naukri Blog: Job posts in NIFTEM last date 15th March-2016

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Job posts in NIFTEM last date 15th March-2016

National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM)
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
NIFTEM(Ministry of Food Processing Industries)
Kundli-131028, District Sonepat, Haryana

NIFTEM invite applications for the following Non-Teaching posts  :

  1. Quality Assurance Manager : 01 post
  2. Senior Analyst : 02 posts
  3. Junior Analyst : 02 posts
How to Application : Interested candidates should send their applications on or before15/03/2016 to the office of Registrar,  NIFTEM, Plot No.97, Sector-56, HSIIDC Industrial Estate, Kundli-131028, District Sonepat, Haryana.

Please visit http://niftem.ac.in/site/Current_Opening.aspx  for detailed information and application format desired.

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