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Union Bank Specialist Officers recruitment last date 10th June-2016

Union Bank of India
(A Government of India Undertaking)
239 Vidhan Bhavan Marg,  Central Office,  Nariman Point,  Mumbai -400021
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Specialist Officer Recruitment Project 2016-17 in Union Bank of India
Union Bank of India, a Leading Listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Mumbai and all India representation, invites Online Applications, from qualified candidates for the following posts of Specialist Officers :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  1. Credit Officer : 150 posts,  Pay Scale : Scale-II  

196 Posts Operator Field posts in Bharat Petroleum last date 6th June-2016

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL)
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Bharat Bhavan, 4 & 6, Currimbhoy Road, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400001
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Recruitment of  Operator (Field) in Bharat Petroleum
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) is looking for following posts of Operator (Field) in  LPG Plants / Retail Locations in various States  :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  • Operator (Field) : 196 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 9250-20000, Age : 18-23 years, Qualification : SSC / SSLC / 10th pass with 2 years NCVT ITI  NTC  course with 70% marks (65% for SC/ST/PWD candidates).

RBI Law Officer and Archivist posts last date 3rdJune-2016

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)  invites online applications from eligible Indian Citizen for the following posts  :
  1. Law Officer Gr. B : 03 Posts
  2. Assistant Archivist  Gr. A : 01 post

Recruitment of Heads of Verticals for RBI IT Subsidiary last date 6th June-2016

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Recruitment of Heads of Verticals for Reserve Bank’s IT Subsidiary
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)  is in the process of setting up of an Information Technology (IT) subsidiary to take care of the IT requirements including the cyber security needs of the Reserve Bank and its regulated entities.:
  1. Senior Vice Presidents (SVP) / Heads of Verticals : 04 Posts
  2. Vice President (VP), Human Resource Management : 01 post

Indian Oil Haldia Refinery Engineering Assistant vacancy last date 20th June-2016

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL)
(Refinery Division)
Haldia Refinery, Haldia (West Bengal) 
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals in Indian Oil for following posts at IOCL Haldia Refinery :
  1. Jr. Engineering Assistant - IV (Production) : 20 posts (UR-11, OBC-5, SC-3, ST-1)
  2. Jr. Engineering Assistant - IV (Power & Utilities) : 03 posts (UR-2,  SC-1)

IPR TTP-2016 for Engineers and Physicist last date 27th May-2016

Institute for Plasma Research (IPR)
Near India Bridge, Bhat Village, District Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com

The Institute for Plasma Research is a premier scientific institute under the Department of Atomic Energy; Govt. of India.  Applications are invited for the Technical Trainee Programme (TTP) - 2016 for entry-level career opportunities available at  IPR asEngineers and Physicists in the field of Physics / Plasma Science / Fusion Technology / Engineering / :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

UP Higher Judicial Service Examination 2016 last date 18th June-2016

Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Allahabad, UP 
Direct Recruitment to the Uttar Pradesh Higher Judicial Service 2016 
Online applications are invited for the following vacancies for UP Higher Judicial Service by Establishment of High Court, Allahabad :
  • Higher Judicial Service of UP : 84 posts (72 posts for current vacancies (UR-37, OBC-19, SC-15, ST-1) and 12 posts for 2009 vacancies (OBC-4, SC-7, ST-1)), Pay Scale : Rs. 51550 - 63070), Experience : 7 years of experience  for Advocates. , Age : 35-45 tears as on 01/01/2017.

Last date extended up to 23rd May-2016 for Assistant General Manager posts in National Housing Bank

National Housing Bank (NHB)
Core 5 A, 4th floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Recruitment of officers in Dy. General Manager, TEG, Scale – VI and Assistant General Manager, SMG, Scale - V
National Housing Bank is the apex financial institution in the country for housing setup under an act of Parliament and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Reserve Bank of India . National Housing Bank invites application for following posts : 
  • Assistant General Manager (General)  – Scale V : 06 posts (UR-5, OBC-1), Pay Scale : Rs. 59170 - 66070

Media Lab Asia ITRA Scientific Technical Administrative vacancy last date 25th May-2016

Media Lab Asia
(A Research & Development Section 25 company of Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India)  
708-723, 7th Floor, Devika Tower,  6 Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Information Technology Research Academy (ITRA) requires Result Oriented Persons for its Ambitious ITRA Programme

Manager Job vacancy in Hindustan Prefab last date 7th June-2016

Hindustan Prefab Limited (HPL)
(A Govt. of India Enterprise) Published by Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Jangpura, New Delhi – 1100014
Hindustan Prefab Limited (HPL) A Govt. of India Enterprise, is looking for following for its offices :
  1. General Manager (Engg.) : 01 post

Medical Health Chikitsa posts by UP PSC last date 10th June-2016

Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh (UP PSC)
10, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Allahabad-211018 (UP)
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Online applications are invited by UP PSC for  following Medical Officer / Medical Education Faculty / Medical posts for various Medical department in UP Government  :
  1. Principal : 01 post in Government Medical College in UP Chikitsa Shiksha (Unani) Department 

ecruitment Vacancy by UPSC Advt. No. 09 of 2016 last date 2nd June-2016

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)  
Shahjahan Road, Dholpur House, New Delhi – 110069
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
UPSC Advertisement No. 09/2016 for various Job posts 
UPSC invites Online application by 02/06/2016 for following  various posts in various Government of India Ministries and Departments in the prescribed format. The posts are : 
  1. Veterinary Officer : 01 post in Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries 

Faculty vacancy in NEIGRIHMS Shillong last date 30th June-2016

North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS)
Shillong, Mawdiangdiang-793018, Meghalaya 
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following Faculty posts on direct recruitment. in NEIGRIHMS :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  • Professor : 22 posts in various subjects, Pay Scale : Rs.37400 - 67000 AGP Rs. 10500/- + NPA

Technical Officer recruitment in IGCAR last date 17th June-2016

Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR)
Kalpakkam - 603102 (TN)
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
IGCAR invites online applications for the following posts from eligible candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD category  :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  • Technical Officer / C : 07 posts (Civil Engineering-2, Chemical Engineering-2, Mechanical Engineering-1, Electrical & Electronics Engineering-2), Pay Scale : Rs. 15600 - 39100 grade pay Rs.5400, Age : 26 years

Walk-in at Konkan Railway Technical vacancy on 25th May-2016

Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL)
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Belapur Bhavan, Sector-11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai-400614
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Konkan Railway (KRCL)   invites applications for the following  fixed term contract job posts 
  • Project Engineer  : 04 posts, Remuneration :  Rs. 45000/- fixed PM

Numaligarh Refinery Engineer Trainee vacancy last date 6th June-2016

Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL)
(A Government of India Undertaking)
147, Udayan, R.G. Baruah Raod, Ganeshguri, Guwahati-781005 (Assam)
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
NRL is looking for energetic and dedicated candidates for recruitment for the following 21 posts of Graduate Engineer Trainees (GET)  in various disciplines :
  1. Graduate Engineer Trainees (GET)  Chemical : 17 posts

Job posts in Punjab Health and Medical Education department last date 15th June-2016

Baba Farid University of Health Sciences (BFUHS)
Sadiq Road, Faridkot, Punjab - 151203
Recruitment of various posts under Health Department, Punjab  and Medical Education & Research, Punjab
Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot invites online applications through its website from eligible candidates for retirement of various posts on regular basis in Health Department: Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
  1. Job posts in Health Department, Punjab
    1. Opthalmic Officer : 29 posts   

SBI Senior Officers recruitment last date 24th May-2016

Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD)
Corporate Centre, Mumbai
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
State Bank of India, looking for qualified and experienced candidate for the position of Vice President (Investor Relations) & Dy .Chief Technology officer (IT-Infrastructure) & Dy. Chief Technology Officer (e-Channels) on contract basis :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  1. Vice President (Investor Relations) : 01 post
  2. Dy. Chief Technology Officer (IT-Infrastructure) : 01 post

Canara Bank Senior Specialist Officer posts 31st May-2016

Canara Bank
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Recruitment Cell, Personnel Wing  Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Head Office (Annexe), 14, Naveen Complex, M G Road, Bangalore – 560001

Canara Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank, invites Online applications from Indian Citizens for engagement of following Senior Specialist Officers on contract basis :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  1. Senior Risk Officer : 01 post 
  2. Chief Investment Officer   : 01  post 

Assistant Manager vacancy in Hindustan Insecticides last date 13th June-2016

Hindustan Insecticides Limited (HIL) 
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Scope Complex, Core-6, II-Floor, 7, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Applications are invited for the following posts of Assistant Managers  in Hindustan Insecticides Limited (HIL) :
  1. Assistant Marketing Manager : 02 posts
  2. Assistant Manager (Seed Production) : 01 post

Various Job posts in Mumbai Metro Rail last date 31st May-2016

Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MMRCL)
(A JV company of Govt. of India and Govt. of Maharashtra) 
MMRCL Office Building, Bandra-Kurla Complex,
Bandra  (E), Mumbai- 400051 (Maharashtra)
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited a Joint Venture company of Govt. of India and Govt. of Maharashtra  is  implementing  Colaba-Bandra-Andheri  (SEEPZ)  Metro   Line-3  in  Mumbai.    MMRCL  intends  to  appoint qualified and experienced professionals for the following 23 posts : 
  1. Sr. Deputy General Manager (Rolling Stock) : 01 post
  2. Deputy Chief Accounts Officer : 01 post

Non-Teaching Positions in Allahabad University last date 10th June-2016

University of Allahabad  (UoA)
(A Central University) 

Allahabad (UP)
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Recruitment of Non-Teaching posts in University of Allahabad  
Applications are invited for the following Non-Teaching posts in University of Allahabad  :  

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  1. Advt. No. 02/2016
    1. Deputy Registrar : 01 post
    2. Information Scientist : 01 post

Sailors Sports Quota Entry in Navy 02 of 2016 Batch last date 27th May-2016

Employment Notice in NJA Bhopal last date 20th June-2016

National Judicial Academy (NJA) 
Bhadbhada Road, P.O. Suraj Nagar, Bhopal – 462044 (MP)
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Applications are invited from candidates for following posts in NJA :
  1. Professor : 01 post
  2. Assistant Professor : 04 posts 

Faculty and Non-Faculty posts in CUP last date 6th June-2016

Central University of Punjab (CUP)
City Campus, Mansa Road, Bathinda, Punjab, India- 151001
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
 Applications are invited for the following  Faculty  and Non-Faculty posts in Central University of Punjab (CUP) :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  1. Professor : 16 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs.10000/-
  2. Associate Professor : 24 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs.9000/-

Job vacancy in IIM Sirmaur last date 30th May-2016

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Sirmaur 
Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh 
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts to be filled on direct recruitment basis  :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  1.  Admin-cum-Accounts Officer : 01 post
  2. Purchase & Stores Officer : 01 post

Non-Teaching Job posts in Central University of Haryana last date 31st May-2016

Central University of Haryana (CUH)
Jant-Pali,   Mahendergarh - 123029, Haryana 
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
On-line applications are invited for appointment to the following administrative and other non-teaching posts on Regular/Deputation /Contract basis :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  1. Registrar : 01 post
  2. Controller of Examinations : 01 post

Gujarat High-Court Computer Operator IT-Cell vacancy last date 31st May-2016

High Court of Gujarat 
Sola, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380060
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
The High Court of Gujarat invites 'On-line Applications', from eligible Candidates for filling up a  vacant posts of Computer Operator (Information Technology Cell) On the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  • Computer Operator (Information Technology Cell) : 61 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 1900/-,  Age : 18-35 years as on 29/04/2016.

Various Job posts in NIT Uttarakhand last date 31st May-2016

National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand
Temporary Campus – Government ITI, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
National Institute of Technology,  Uttarakhand invites applications in the prescribed format for the following Faculty and Non-Teaching posts and Special recruitment drive for PwD candidates :

Air-India Express Analyst Revenue Management vacancy last date 24th May-2016

Air India Express Limited
Air - India Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021, India.  
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Air India Charters Ltd. invites application from Indian Citizen for following posts on contract basis :
  • Analysts - Revenue Management (Delhi) : 18 posts  

Junior Officer vacancy in Balmer Lawrie last date 28th May-2016

Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.
(A Government of India Enterprise)
21, Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata-700001
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com

Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.,  is looking for qualified and experienced Indian Nationals to man a key role in the Junior Management level as per details given below :

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  • Junior Officer Group-B Grade-I : 25 posts, Pay Scale : E1 Rs. 9000 - 22000 
How to Apply : Apply Online at Balmer Lawrie website on or before 28/05/2016 only.

Non-Teaching Job posts in AIIMS Jodhpur last date 6th June-2016

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Basni Industrial Area Phase-2, Jodhpur-342005 (Rajasthan)
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com

 All  India  Institute  of  Medical  Sciences,  Jodhpur  (AIIMS,  Jodhpur)   invites application  from Indian Citizens for the  following posts  on direct recruitment basis  :

Assistant Professor posts in UAS Dharwad last date 30th May-2016

University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad (UASD)
Krishingar, Dharwad -580005, (Karnataka)
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com
Recruitment to various posts of Teachers in the cadre of Assistant Professor in the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad.:

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  • Assistant Professor : 83 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 AGP Rs.6000/-  

EXIM Bank Officer Trainee recruitment last date 10th June-2016

Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) 
Centre One Building, Floor 21, World Trade Centre Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400005
Published by http://e-sarkarinaukritimes.blogspot.com

Recruitment of Officer Trainee in EXIM Bank

Export-Import Bank of India invites applications from fresh Economics and Law qualified and experienced professionals in the following areas of expertise  : 

Sarkari Naukri Blog, Employment News, Employment, How to Apply, Sarkari Naukri, Government Job, Recruitment, Employment, Vacancy, Fresher, experienced, Competition Examination, Interview, Job Portal, Job Site, UPSC, SSC, PSC, Education, Graduate, IT Jobs, Bank , Railway, PSU, Engineering, Civil Service, RRB, Examination, Application, Opportunity, candidate, age, qualification, advertisement, post, service, forms, officer, staff, position, India, Selection, Naukri, wants

  • Officer Trainee : 09 posts (UR-6, SC-3) in the field of Legal / International Trade & Finance / Industry / Country Risk Analysis & Economic Research),

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