--> The Sarkari Naukri Blog: Faculty and other Job vacancy in YMCA University last date 30th May-2016

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Faculty and other Job vacancy in YMCA University last date 30th May-2016

The YMCA University of Science & Technology (YMCAUST)
NH-2, Sector-6, Mathura Road, Faridabad- 121006 (Haryana)
YMCA University invites application for following officer/ staff and faculty posts on Direct / Deputation basis :

  1. Advertisement No. 01/2016
    1. Controller of Examination  : 01 post 
    2. Training & Placement : 01 post 
    3. Deputy Registrar : 01 post 
    4. Assistant Registrar : 02 posts
    5. Medical Officer : 01 post
    6. Executive Engineer (Civil) : 01 post
    7. Private Secy. to VC : 01 post
    8. Cashier : 01 post
    9. Assistant-cum-DEO : 01 post
    10. Jr. Scale Stenographer (Eng) : 01 post
  2. Advertisement No. 02/2016
    1. Assistant Professor on Contract : 15 posts in various disciplines
  3. Advertisement No. 03/2016
    1. Professor : 03 posts on deputation 
    2. Associate Professor : 03 posts on deputation 
How to Apply : Applications on prescribed form duly completed in all respects along with attested
copies of testimonials should be sent to Deputy Registrar (E) at above address by Speed Post on or before on or before 30/05/2016. And to Registrar, YMCA University of Science & Technology, Sector-6, Mathura Road, Faridabad-121006 (Haryana) on or before30/05/2016 for the posts of Faculty.

Please visit http://www.ymcaust.ac.in/index.php/recruitments for details and application form.

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